Our core guidelines make us a truly exceptional company…
These guidelines — expressed as our Vision, Mission and Values — underpin all we do, are what our board members are committed to and are central for us in achieving our outcomes.
Our Vision:
Inclusive communities where people living with a disability can have rich and meaningful lives.
Our Mission:
Empowering people living with a disability to live rich and meaningful lives in an inclusive community.
Our Values:
The following values underpin the board, management and staff’s commitment to achieving our mission:
- Dignity and respect
- Inclusiveness
- Self-Determination
- Integrity

What we do
Disability Services
Multitask delivers high quality, professional and flexible disability support services including accommodation, respite and employment services and community participation programs In Lismore, Ballina, Grafton, Casino, Kempsey and Tamworth. Multitask has supported people move out of home, find work, study, pursue a range of lifestyle and leisure goals and even purchase their own homes.