Contact us…

Multitask welcomes enquiries or comments about any of our products or services. Please submit an Online Enquiry using the form below, or use any suitable method of contact listed here.

If you would prefer to visit us in person, please feel free to drop into reception, located at our head office in Molesworth St, Lismore. Our opening hours are 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday to Friday (excludes public holidays).

Head Office

Disability Services (Day & Residential), Administration and Finance

Address: 27 Molesworth St, Lismore NSW 2480
Post: PO Box 42, Lismore NSW 2480

T: 02 6627 5000
E: [email protected]

Link to map

Business Services

Green Team, Plant Protector Sleeves and Business Support Services

Address: 37 Habib Drive, South Lismore NSW 2480
Post: PO Box 42, Lismore NSW 2480

T: 02 6627 5000
E: [email protected]

Link to map

Main Contact Form